Review: KIM'S CONVENIENCE at Park Theatre, London
Photo credit: Mark Douet Date: 12th January 2024 Seat: A8 (Circle) Tickets: Gifted Rating: 3 Stars What does Kim’s Convenience have in store for audiences? A lot of laughs, heart, and a story that everyone can understand, no matter what language they happen to speak. Kim’s Convenience was originally written in 2011 by Ins Choi, and thanks to how well the one-act play was received, a Netflix series of the same name was produced, which was also hugely popular. It’s still available to watch, and it’s well worth taking a look at if you want some gentle laughs and a real story – quite different from what most other sitcoms (for want of a better word) can manage. The story of Kim’s Convenience revolves around Mr Kim (or Appa as his family calls him) trying to deal with his fears of the future while also being a good father and husband. He doesn’t always get it right; he can be a bully, he can be rude, he borders on being racist, and he’s perpetually annoyed about some...