
Showing posts from August, 2024

Review: CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG at The Hawth, Crawley

  Date: 20th August 2024 Seat: R15 Tickets: Gifted Rating: 4 Stars  Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is something we’ve all grown up with; it’s just always been there, reliable and faithful as the car itself, so what would it be like on stage? Could it be just as heart-warming and nostalgia-inducing? The answer is yes – the show is full of charm, energy, and just the right amount of nostalgia. If you love the film, you’ll love the show; there are even some extra song and dance numbers thrown in.  One of the things that really makes a show like Chitty , much like the film itself, is the cast, and this cast is an exceptional one. Adam Garcia shone as Caractacus Potts, bringing warmth and charisma to the role, and his performance of “Hushabye Mountain” was beautifully heartfelt, and his playful banter with Ellie Nunn’s Truly Scrumptious was spot-on. She’s a modern-day Truly, trousers and all, and it works for a modern-day audience without taking away anything that makes the character special.  Ph

Review: THE 39 STEPS at Trafalgar Theatre, London

  Photo credit: Mark Senior Date: 19th August 2024 Seat: N10 Tickets: Gifted Rating: 3 Stars  If you're in the mood for a night of silliness, dashing derring-do, and enough theatrical tomfoolery to make your head spin, then make a beeline to the Trafalgar Theatre. The 39 Steps has stormed back into London with all its madcap energy, and it’s going to make you smile.   The issue is that it might not make you laugh out loud. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad show (it’s not, it’s great), and it doesn’t mean it’s not worth watching (it is – I absolutely recommend it), but it might not be the side-splitting humour you’re looking for. On the plus side, this ingenious production, where four fearless actors play an astonishing 139 roles, is a masterclass in how to turn the serious business of a classic Hitchcock spy thriller into a gleeful, giggling romp. Tom Byrne, as our pencil-moustachioed hero Richard Hannay, is the epitome of stiff-upper-lipped charm, dashing about with a mix of clu

Review: WHEN IT HAPPENS TO YOU at Park Theatre, London

  Photo credit: Mark Douet Date: 6th August 2024 Seat: F1 Tickets: Gifted Rating: 4 Stars Like all the best plays, When It Happens To You seems simple at first – the sparse set, the lack of props, the small cast… it all adds up to a quick (the entire run-time is only 85 minutes without any interval) story told well.  However, like all the best plays, that’s just the surface level. There’s so much more underneath, and writer Tawni O’Dell has packed a huge amount into her autobiographical play that’s a harrowing but also profoundly moving and perhaps even uplifting exploration of the aftermath of sexual assault.  There might not be much in the way of set – although a soothing blue cityscape does tower over everyone and everything – but that’s the point; this is a story about people, not things and, even though specific cities are involved, not really places either. The entire point is that this can happen to you, no matter who you are or where you are. It can happen to someone you k